About LISA

Hi, I'm Lisa! I'm from Cleveland, OH and I am 28 years old. I created Walking With Lisa as a way to express myself through writing which is my passion and is the way I express myself and with others. I also created this women’s blog to share my testimony as a way to connect with other Christian young women and talk about all things God, relationships and womanhood.

I was saved by Jesus Christ in June 2015 and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have gone through many traumatic experiences including heartbreak, emotional, physical and mental abuse, rejection and abandonment BUT through the love of Jesus Christ I have found healing, peace and joy. And that is what I want to give to other women through my writing. I want to be an inspiration to women to empower them to know the transformative love of Christ by authentically sharing my life. I graduated in 2022 with my master’s degree and it was no easy feat.

I’m a first-generation college graduate of biological parents that struggled with prostitution, drug and alcohol abuse which led to the physical abuse and neglect of their children. I’m a first-generation college graduate that has had to relearn the truth about love and sex after being taken advantage of time and time again. I say all of this to say, that I have endured yet I’ve overcome. I’ve felt pain but I’ve prospered and I want you to know that you can too through the power of Christ.

I married the love of my life on August 17, 2019, and that has tremendously changed my viewpoint on relationships, God and what it means to sacrifice and lay down your life for another person.

I've learned so much and have gained so much power through Jesus Christ and I want as many women as possible to know the power they have! So this is a look into my life, the good and the bad.

Please feel free to contact me through the "CONTACT" tab if you have any questions! Also, if you want to check out work I’ve completed as a freelance journalist, click the FREELANCE WORK tab. Make sure you subscribe to receive updates and emails from me.  I'm LITERALLY super excited to begin this new journey in my life and thank you for joining me.

I am love, I give love and I receive love.


black graduate
christian blogger, christian marriage, black marriage, The Evans

christian marriage