4 Steps to Feel Confident in Your Womanhood

Con·fi·dence | a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities

Some people are born with confidence. For others, it’s something that has to be developed and worked at. For me, I’ve never really had confidence for the majority of my life. I’ve always compared myself to others, I’ve tried to be other people who I thought were better than me and I’ve participated in serious negative self-talk. I never understood and embraced my power and purpose as a woman. It wasn’t until I let God really work in me and through me that I realized who I am and what I offer to the world. Over the past year, I’ve developed much more confidence in who I am and what I represent as a woman and I want you ladies that are reading this blog to feel the same!

So if you’re someone who has never felt confident in being who you are but wants to grow in embracing your womanhood, then read these 4 tips below!

Know Who You Are in Christ

This step is number 1 because it’s truly the most important. If you don’t know who you are in Christ, why He made you the way you are and how that relates to being a woman, all of the other steps won’t matter because your heart and soul will still cry out for someplace to land. 

We all have this inner longing to find our identity in something. Whether it’s money, sex, food, jobs or relationships, we’re always longing. If we don’t anchor our longings into Christ and make Him the center of our life, we will only keep experiencing disappointment failing to realize that anything outside of Christ will never satisfy our soul. 

So, how do you begin to understand who you are in Christ? It sounds boring but reading your Bible is the first step. You have to know what God says about you in His Word. Do you know that God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made? (Psalm 139:14) Do you know that God knew you before you were even born? (Jeremiah 1:5) Did you know that when you are in Christ you are apart of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) and can come boldly to His throne asking for what you want in His name and He has promised to give it to you? (John 14:13-14) I can just shout! I hope that gives you a boost of confidence. 

Another way to begin to understand who you are in Christ is to spend time talking with Him and letting Him heal old wounds. Sometimes we get stuck in past trauma we experienced and we carry that hurt, pain and negative thoughts around with us wherever we go. That hurt clouds how we view ourselves. When we sit with God and allow Him to pour over us healing and love, we begin to let that hurt and pain go and we are able to more easily accept God’s Word.

When you know who you are in Christ, you are less likely to let what people say about you negatively affect you. You stand strong in Christ’s affirmations about your life.

Find Your Personal Style and Rock It!

This one is fun! We all know that when we look good we feel good right? So finding your personal style is one way to feel confident in your womanhood. What do I mean by finding your personal style? Simple.

First, find your style category. Do you like the chic look? Maybe you’re more sporty or like to rock athleisure. I’m more of a classic glam type of woman so I like to wear skirts, heels, blouses, jewelry and makeup. But you may not be like me. You may be more casual and can rock some cute jeans and a pair of sneakers. Do you boo!

Once you find your style category, begin to put pieces of clothing together to create outfits. A good place to do this is on Pinterest. I LOVE Pinterest. You can make private boards on your account that only you will see to put together pics and links to outfits you like. I have clothing boards to accommodate each season. These boards are filled with outfits that I imitate and put together in my own wardrobe. Don’t feel like you have to reinvent the wheel girl, just copy and paste!

Be sure to wear items that are flattering for your body size. That will make you feel comfortable and feel better. For instance, if you’re shorter you may want to choose clothing items that elongate your frame. Or if you’re skinny, you may want to wear clothing items that fit a little more to your body as to not look like you’re being swallowed up (unless that’s the look you’re going for!)

Remember, you rock the clothes don’t let the clothes rock you!

Take Yourself Out!

Ok this one may be my favorite! You have to invest in doing things that energize you and make you feel at peace. I personally love to get my nails done each month. It makes me feel super cute and for me, looking cute helps me to feel confident. I also like to maintain my hair and play with different hairstyles. 

You may not be like me and like to get your nails and hair done. But find what you like.

I remember when I was single I would go out to eat or visit coffee shops by myself. Now I know you’re like “Hold up! Didn’t that feel weird?” And honestly, it did at first but the more I did it the more comfortable I became with being by myself. Being ok with being alone boosts your confidence. If you can feel good when being alone you won’t need validation from anyone else.

I also bought myself flowers each week. I didn’t wait on someone else to buy them for me. I did it for myself. 

Be Fearless! Trust God

My last tip to boosting your confidence is being fearless and trusting in God. Nothing boosts your confidence more than seeing God work miracles in your life after you put your trust and faith in Him. It feels like a high and there’s no way you’re coming down. Have you ever wanted or needed something outlandish from God and when you prayed about it He answered? Whew that’s enough to have you walking around feeling like a million bucks! I know it is difficult for some of us to trust in God so start out with the little things. God wants to hold every piece of your life in His hands. And honestly, who better to do so than our Father who has good things for us!

Ok now girl! I want you to take these 4 tips and run! Work on applying them in your life to build up your confidence. Remember, step 1 is most important as your confidence is linked to God and not anything that you or anyone else can do. If you remember that then you’re good to go!

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